Projects for Module 1
- Design and Analysis of Roller Conveyor System
- Design and Analysis of vehicle Suspension system
- Design and Analysis of Screw Jack
- Design and Analysis of Leaf Spring for various materials and load
- Study and Analysis of Bridge structure (Load Stationary & Load Moving condition – Static & Dynamic)
- Transient thermal analysis of Frying pan/pressure cooker
- Car Chassis analysis
- Study and Analysis of coal transportation system
- Design and analysis of horn spring
- Design and analysis of Crane hook
- Design and analysis of overhead conveyor system
Projects for Module 2
- Hot and cold fluid mixing analysis
- Fluid (Air/Oil/Water/Steam) behavior (Velocity, Pressure, Temperature) while flowing through Pipe.
- Flow Through a Butterfly Valve
- Simulating Flow in a Static Mixer
- Flow in a Process Injection Mixing Pipe
- Flow from a Circular Vent
- External Air Flow Over a Generic Vehicle Body
- Supersonic Flow Over a Wing
- Flow Through a Butterfly Valve
- Flow in a Catalytic Converter
- Flow in an Axial Rotor/Stator
- Conjugate Heat Transfer in a Heating Coil
- Multiphase Flow in a Mixing Vessel
- Air Conditioning Simulation
- Aerodynamic & Structural Performance of a Centrifugal Compressor
Projects for Module 3
- Design and Analysis of Roller Conveyor System
- Design and Analysis of vehicle Suspension system
- Design and Analysis of Screw Jack
- Design and Analysis of Leaf Spring for various materials and load
- Study and Analysis of Bridge structure (Load Stationary & Load Moving condition – Static & Dynamic)
- Transient thermal analysis of Frying pan / pressure cooker
- Car Chassis analysis
- Study and Analysis of coal transportation system
- Design and analysis of horn spring
- Design and analysis of Crane hook
- Design and analysis of overhead conveyor system
2 Months Duration